Boat Girl Book Reading by Water Safety Council [with Video]

boat girl water safety council

Lake of the Ozarks Water Safety Council hosts book reading of The Amazing Adventures of Boat Girl, emphasizing water safety for kids

A few years ago I published a children’s boating book called The Amazing Adventures of Boat Girl (often referred to as simply “Boat Girl”). Boat Girl is a story based on my two daughters who were both “born & raised on the water”. They both quickly developed a love of boating and, most importantly, a respect for safety on the water. They have each become self-proclaimed “boat girls” in their own ways.

Lake of the Ozarks Water Safety CouncilTwo years ago I had the pleasure of being interviewed about Boat Girl by Bob May with Bob’s No Wake Zone, a radio show devoted to boating based in Lake of the Ozarks, MO. The radio interview was a great way for me to highlight the story behind my book – detailing how my two daughters inspired me to write Boat Girl and what the book was all about.

Recently Bob’s friends at Lake of the Ozark Water Safety Council held a book reading at their local library in Camdenton, MO and Bob was kind enough to record the book reading for a segment on his radio show. Trish Creach, co-chair of the council and director of the Camdenton Area Chamber of Commerce, joined Lake of The Ozarks Boating Safety Council Deb Stoner for the reading.

It was great to hear the kids responding to the book and talking about how they too have been on a boat. We also got some great photos showing the kids and Lil Laker – a toy tugboat the Water Safety Council uses to help teach kids about water safety.

Boat Girl Book Reading Video

With a few photos from the event, combined with some images directly from the book and Bob’s audio, I was able put together this video recap of the book reading:

The Amazing Adventures of Boat GirlBuy the Book

The Amazing Adventures of Boat Girl is a fun and educational book for kids who love boating. Perfect for girls or boys, Boat Girl includes fun extras such as a list of Boat Girl’s Safety Rules to follow, basic boating terms every little skipper should know and a personal log to keep track of your boat kid’s first amazing boating adventures. For kids ages 3 & up.

BUY IT ON AMAZON ($8.95 paperback)

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Diane Seltzer

View posts by Diane Seltzer
Diane is the founder of as well as the boating lifestyle site Active in the boating industry, Diane has also led the marketing for multiple recreational boating businesses and startups and is the author of the children's book The Amazing Adventures of Boat Girl.
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