Kids need boating

Kids Need Boating Now More Than Ever

In a world of uncertainty, kids are yearning for the calming effect of boating All our lives took a detour from normalcy this year as a result of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, and the impact on our kids has been no exception. After months of social distancing and adapting to remote schooling, thoughts of the...

big or small boat for kids

Is a Big Boat or Smaller Boat Better with Kids?

Big vs. small boats – choosing the ideal boat size for a family with kids on board Over the years I have seen families with kids on all types of boats in all size ranges… from smaller bow-riders to larger cabin cruisers (even a few that some would categorize as a “yacht”). What size boat...

Dad boating memories

Making Memories Boating with Dad

Ways your kids can share special moments on the boat with Dad Those iconic “dad moments” that your kids will always remember are most likely happening on your boat. Taking the boat for a cruise, casting a line, digging for clams in the bay… these are the classic moments for Dad and the whole family...

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