Fun and comfortable designs for boys and girls make wearing jackets more fun for kids When kids love the design on their life jacket there’s no question about putting it on (especially if its comfortable to wear too!) That’s why I love these new and innovative designs by Full Throttle called “Water Buddies”. Water Buddies are...
Category: Boat Safety
Safe Boating Tips as a Family with Kids
Basic tips to make boating as a family both safe and enjoyable (for you and the kids) Boating can be one of the most enjoyable ways to spend time together as a family. Family boating is a great way to slow down the pace of your daily life – getting back to nature, cruising to...
Bob’s No Wake Zone Boating Radio Show Interview on Boat Girl Book
Bob’s No Wake Zone Boating Radio Show features author of children’s boating book The Amazing Adventures of Boat Girl The new children’s book for boat kids – The Amazing Adventures of Boat Girl – is getting a lot of buzz in the boating industry… and I was thrilled to be invited for a radio interview about...
Freshwater Fish Coloring Book for Kids in English and Spanish
Bilingual “Color a Fish” coloring book offers first Spanish/English Boating Safety Sidekicks activity book for children For many boat kids, fishing and boating go hand in hand. And when they are not fishing or cruising they are likely to be spending their down time coloring or drawing. The National Safe Boating Council (NSBC) and the Recreational...
Water Sports Life Jackets that Up the Cool Factor for Kids
Cool water sports life jackets give older boat kids a reason to love life jackets again There comes a time when some kids become reluctant to put on a life jacket. As they grow up they want to feel independent and wearing a life jacket seems “less cool”. That’s when you know you need to...
The Amazing Adventures of Boat Girl Book for Kids
Boat Girl children’s book on boating inspires both girls and boys to love the boating lifestyle, teaches boat safety and captures memories on the water The Amazing Adventures of Boat Girl is a fun and educational book designed to teach kids (both boys and girls) about the adventures of boating while reinforcing boat safety practices on...
Can Kids Wear Inflatable Life Vests?
Recommended age guidelines for your child’s safe use of inflatable life jackets One of the coolest advancements in life jacket design has no doubt been the introduction of the inflatable life vest. The less bulky design is an appealing idea for kids that may be reluctant to wear a life jacket. But at what age and...
Docking a Boat Safely with Kids on Board
Handling a boat in and out of a slip while ensuring safety of kids on your boat Even for the most experienced captain, maneuvering your boat in and out of a slip can be a bit challenging… particularly with wind or current conditions. Docking your boat requires patience and concentration. Add a kid or two...
Are Kids Puddle Jumper Life Jackets Safe for Boating?
Coast Guard approved Puddle Jumper Life Jackets can help toddlers and kids learn to swim faster – but their use on a boat may be limited If you have a toddler or young kid learning how to swim, then you have no doubt seen Stearns Kids Puddle Jumper Life Jackets. But many boaters wonder if...