New Miku Technology to Monitor Baby on Board Your Boat

New baby monitor devices like Miku offer boaters a high tech way to monitor sleep, temperature and other vitals on board Technology is like a waterfall. It starts out for some higher purpose and eventually winds up in what becomes common, everyday products. Tang, Teflon, and Velcro were all developed for the space program. Now...

baby bed on boat

Baby Bed Options on a Boat

Safe and portable bed choices for a newborn infant or baby sleeping inside a boat cabin that are also compact for tight quarters. Cabin space is so limited on a boat, and choosing a proper bed for your new baby can be a challenge. It needs to be compact and portable, yet safe for your...

baby on boat

Is it Safe to Bring a Baby or Infant on a Boat?

Worried about taking your new baby boating? Here's how to make sure a baby or infant is safe boarding and cruising on a recreational boat As a new parent, it is expected that you may be nervous about taking your new baby or infant on a boat. That anxiety is probably even greater if you...

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